Please join us for "Parenting the Love & Logic Way" being held at AES on March 11 & March 25!
4 months ago, Rebecca Bliven
Reminder: Monday, January 15th, is a Staff Inservice day, so it's a non student day. Stay warm.
4 months ago, School District of Athens
The School District of Athens will be closed tomorrow January 12, 2024 due to inclement weather. There will be no after school activities or athletic events.
4 months ago, Nathan Brost
For their Christmas party, FFA members partook in a service learning project by making tie blankets for individuals at the Ronald McDonald House.
5 months ago, Jessica Stuttgen
blanket making
blanket making
blanket making
blanket making
blanket making
blanket making
Congratulations to Athens FFA member Isabella Zastrow! Bella received a National SAE grant to help expand her SAE project. SAE grants are designed to help FFA members create or expand their Supervised Agricultural Experience project. An SAE requires FFA members to create and operate an agriculture related business, work at an agriculture-related business or conduct an agricultural research experience. Bella’s SAE project is a small flock of Shetland Sheep which she acquired from her grandparents. She is working on adding registered ewes and a ram to the flock to help expand the genetic pool, improve confirmation, improve the overall micron of the fleece, and her overall goal is to meet the 1927 Breed Standards.
5 months ago, Jessica Stuttgen
Caring for
Our last concert for the Holiday Season. Middle/High School Band and Choir concert starts at 2 pm today. Catch it on our YouTube Channel as well.
5 months ago, Nathan Brost
Two more events on our YouTube Channel tonight. Maple Groves Christmas Concert 3-5 starts at 6pm. Wrestling also at 6pm.
5 months ago, School District of Athens
Did someone say Bacon? The Intro to Ag students wrapped up their swine production unit by completing a bacon lab. They also tested their ear notch reading skills on each other.
6 months ago, Jessica Stuttgen
ear notching
bacon lab
bacon lab
bacon lab
bacon lab
Do you like tractors or farming? Do you still have some Christmas presents to buy? If so, come on down to the 1st Annual FFA and FFA Alumni Farm Toy Show and Craft Sale on December 10th from 9am to 3pm at the Athens Community Hall. Come out and support the Athens FFA Chapter!
6 months ago, Jessica Stuttgen
72,954 FFA members, advisors and guests flooded Indianapolis, Indiana for the 96th National FFA Convention and Expo, November 1st through the 4th. Athens FFA members had the opportunity to tour a goat farm in Illinois, a honey farm and the Cikana State Fish Hatchery in Indiana. FFA members also had the opportunity to attend various sessions, workshops, the career and college expo, and meet new people from all across the country
6 months ago, Jessica Stuttgen
honey farm
goat farm
honey farm
fish hatchery
fish hatchery
honey farm
National convention
National convention
National convention
honey farm
We are streaming all of the Veteran's Day programs today. Maple Grove at 9 am, Athens Elementary at 9:30, and Athens Middle/High School at 10. You can watch us honor our Veterans on our YouTube Channel
6 months ago, Nathan Brost
Six middle school FFA members attended the FFA FIRE Conference on October 13th. FIRE Conference is designed for beginning FFA members in grades 5-9. The FFA members learned about official FFA dress, SAE projects, FFA opportunities, and developed leadership skills.
7 months ago, Jessica Stuttgen
FFA members
Hydroponics: the act of growing plants in water rather than soil. A huge Thank You to Miltrim Farms who nominated the Athens FFA Chapter to receive a grant from the America’s Farmers Grow Communities Bayer Fund grant, which focuses on the areas of STEM education, Food and Nutrition, Wellness, and Ag Youth initiatives in rural communities. With the grant we purchased a Flex Farm, which is a fully self-contained vertical hydroponic farming system. We are using our Flex Farm to grow lettuce for our lunch programs. Mrs. Bunkelman’s Introduction to Agriculture class has taken on the farming role for the first semester. Students got to prepare the rock wool for the seeds, plant the lettuce seeds, place the seedlings in the Flex Farm, monitor the water's pH level and nutrient levels, and then harvest the lettuce. Our first batch of lettuce took one month to complete its growing cycle, and we harvested 9 pounds of lettuce for the middle/high school lunch program.
7 months ago, Jessica Stuttgen
nutrient testing
pH testing
AMS 7th graders participated in a Leadership Summit on October 4. Students learned about limitless opportunities available to them while participating in different sessions. The day ended with students teaming up with students from other schools to "Plan a Fundraiser" simulation.
7 months ago, Michelle Murkowski
Group 1
Group 2
Four FFA members headed down to Fort Atkinson on September 16th to compete in the Cream of the Crop Dairy Challenge. They competed as a team and completed eight stations on herd health, nutrition, sire selection, herd evaluation, commercial heifer evaluation and placing, purebred heifer evaluation and placing, purebred cow evaluation and placing and a written exam. Congratulations on being the 1st place team!
8 months ago, Jessica Stuttgen
Fair season has come to a close for the Athens FFA members. This summer consisted of three fairs, countless hours of practice, many new experiences, one parade, and Mrs. Bunkelman getting back in the show ring.
8 months ago, Jessica Stuttgen
horse show
beef show
dog show
goat show
dairy show
sheep show
sheep show
beef show
dairy show
dairy show
Fair season has come to a close for the Athens FFA members. This summer consisted of three fairs, countless hours of practice, many new experiences, one parade, and Mrs. Bunkelman getting back in the show ring.
8 months ago, Jessica Stuttgen
horse show
beef show
dog show
goat show
dairy show
sheep show
sheep show
beef show
dairy show
dairy show
The American FFA Degree is the highest degree an FFA member can earn while in FFA. This degree shows the effort an FFA member has applied towards their SAE project or Supervised Agricultural Experience. Only 1% of all FFA members receive their American Degree. I am pleased to announce that the Athens FFA has had their second FFA member receive their American FFA Degree. Maleah Redman, a 2021 graduate of AHS, will be receiving her American FFA Degree this November at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis. Maleah's SAE project involves adopting, training and rehoming mustangs, as well as working with other horses as time permits. Congratulations!
8 months ago, Jessica Stuttgen
The District Newletter is live. Check it now at or
9 months ago, Nathan Brost
Calling all Band Members! Marching Band rehearsals have begun! Please plan to join us August 8-11, 14, 16 from 6-7:30 to become a part of the "Spirit of Athens" Marching Band! This is a treasured tradition and a great experience for all Band members! We look forward to seeing you!
9 months ago, Juli Gauerke-Peter
Marching Band